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LKT120 160PS 4x4 AFTER general repair vin 019

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Značka / model
LKT120 160PS 4x4 AFTER general repair vin 019
Hodiny prevádzky
317 h
Slovenská republika
Mascus ID


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Skladové č.
Ďalšie informácie
LKT 120 TURBO 160PS 4x4 r.v. kompletná GO 2023 , hydrodynamický pohon, hydraulická ruka equus, zadný štít equus , klembank equus , prídavný chladič oleja , otocne pracovisko 2x joystick sedacka Grammer, piestove axialne cerpadlo LS 70cm3, hydraulický rozvádzač Danfoss proporcionálne ovládanie , diaľkové ovládanie pre ovládanie traktora a pojazd !!! , predná radlica equus, uzávierky vpredu a vzadu (samosvorný diferenciál ) nápravy Clark, 2x naviják 10 ton na kardan Gripen 035, Traktor je poskladaný z novych dielov alebo su po Generálnej oprave, Batérie môžu byť opotrebované, v tom prípade je potrebné si priniesť vlastné alebo kúpiť nové.Batteries can be damaged, so you have to bring your own or you can buy new ones here, Poskytujeme výhodné financovanie prostredníctvom leasingu alebo úveru podľa požiadaviek klienta. CENA: 99.900 EUR netto Follow us on Facebook Slovakfinance +421 914 666 000 We speak German, Hungarian, English, Russian +421 902 908 200 – We speak Spanish, Portugal, English Export plates cost: 300,-Eur/truck ; 200,-Eur/trailer Export INSURANCE for 14 days cost: 200,-Eur/truck ; 100,-Eur/trailer BUYING IN EUROPEAN UNION- If the truck is buying the company from European union, the company has to pay DEPOZIT + 20% TAX. We charge this depozit to make sure you will admit purchasing of the truck in EU in your Revenue authority. We need confirmation from your Revenue authority that the truck that you bought from us is in your country and that you pay VAT for it. We also need the copy of vehicle registration certificat registered in your country. After sending us booth documents by e-mail we will send you your depozit (20%TAX) back to your bank account. BUYING OUTSIDE OF EUROPEAN UNION-If the truck is buying the company outside of the European Union, the company has to pay DEPOZIT + 20% TAX for the coll documents. Coll documents will be confirmed on the boarder of the European Union, you will send us that confirmed document back and we will give you 20 % TAX back. If you are planning to visit our company please bring us these documents: your complete company details (registration papers of the company, confirmation about European Union TAX NUMBER..), copy of the passport of the boss of the company or authorization for the employee, if the boss is not coming personally). - Four-wheel driveZobraziť ďalšie


Jurská cesta 3 93401 Levice Nitriansky Slovenská republika
Roky na stránke Mascus
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